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Gap Analysis

Our trained team of advisors will review health and safety practices, offer on-site analysis and provide a detailed report allowing you to operate fully compliant and within current regulations and legislation required in your industry.

Find out about our Gap Analysis service

Gap Analysis

Our trained team of advisors will review health and safety practices, offer on-site analysis and provide a detailed report allowing you to operate fully compliant and within current regulations and legislation required in your industry.

What is a gap analysis?

A gap analysis is used by businesses as a tool to identify safety gaps within their organisation. A trained consultant will undertake a gap analysis and determine where a business currently is and, more importantly, where it needs to be.

Health and Safety legislation can be fast-moving, so it is wise to hire trained consultants to undertake a gap analysis for your business. This offers the peace of mind that your business is being reviewed compliantly.

A gap analysis will include an extensive inspection of your business, including reviewing policies and procedures, looking at your current business status and revisiting your current practices. A gap analysis will help you make the first steps toward an improved health and safety management system.

Is gap analysis a legal requirement?

Although not a legal requirement, a gap analysis will help you set health and safety objectives to keep your workers safe.

What does a gap analysis involve?

  • Identify the area to be analyzed and identify the goals to be accomplished.
  • Establish the ideal future state.
  • Analyze the current state.
  • Compare the current state with the ideal state.
  • Describe the gap and quantify the difference.

What are the benefits of a gap analysis?

A gap analysis offers an important starting point for developing a thorough health and safety management system.

By taking significant steps to assess your business's current safety performance, you will be able to identify how vulnerable workers are to potential risks and hazards and how to put things right.

There are also financial benefits to completing a gap analysis, including a decreased risk of future fines and the ability to make accurate decisions about safety processes based on facts rather than costly guesswork.

Our trained consultants will provide cost-effective solutions for your business and will guide you through your gap analysis.

We can offer ongoing support including compliance, training and HR services to support your business and mitigate risk, providing all your health and safety requirements under one roof.

How to contact

For further assistance or to book a Health & Safety Gap Analysis for your business, talk to our health and safety Team by calling 01427 420 402 or emailing and #oneoftheteam will be happy to help.

"Jonathan was easy to work with, advising in areas where we can make improvements and his communication was excellent. His expertise was greatly appreciated, and we look forward to working with him in the future."
Assured Digital Group
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