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Construction Phase Plans

A Construction Phase Plan is required for construction projects of all sizes. Our team of construction experts can develop construction phase plans to ensure all your projects are planned and managed in a way that secures health and safety on site.

Find out about our Construction Phase Plans service

Construction Phase Plans

The whole onsite team can reach higher safety standards and project safety goals by using a construction phase plan- sometimes known as a construction phase health and safety plan.
Construction projects of all sizes need a Construction Phase Plan (CPP) — this document is crucial for planning and managing projects safely.

What is a Construction Phase Plan?

A Construction Phase Plan is a key document that details the health and safety risks associated with the construction phase of the project and the control measures that will be implemented to minimise risks or, where possible, eliminate them.

What does a Construction Phase Plan include?

To cover all the necessary legal requirements, a construction phase plan generally includes:

  • A project description
  • Management of the work
  • Arrangements for controlling significant site risks
  • The health and safety file
  • Significant design and construction hazards

When do you need a Construction Phase Plan, and is it legally required?

All construction projects, no matter the size or duration, are legally required to have a Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan.

If a project is classed as construction work, you’ll need a Construction Phase Plan — Construction work is classified if it involves demolition, renovation, maintenance, or repair of a structure. If you are working on domestic projects, a Construction Phase Plan is also required.

Who is responsible for creating a Construction Phase Plan?

The Construction Phase Plan is the responsibility of the project’s principal contractor. This responsibility falls with the company/individual or the organisation to manage and control the construction stage, project, and the work of other contractors as well as workers.

If a construction site has only one contractor, the responsibility falls solely to that contractor.

What Should a Construction Phase Plan Include?

A Construction Phase Plan is not a one-time plan. It is a document that must be created for each project. An individual project needs its own unique plan to cover health and safety risks and arrangements specific to the project.

All Construction Phase Plans must outline the individual project details and the arrangements for securing health and safety on-site. The plan needs to consider all industrial, commercial, domestic or transport-related activities taking place on the construction site.

How to contact

For further assistance for your business, talk to our Health and Safety Team by calling 01427 420 402 or emailing and #oneoftheteam will be happy to help.

"Having a single point of contact is extremely important. Previous companies would provide conflicting advice as so many different people were involved."
Scott Care Ltd
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