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Risk Assessments

Our expert team of consultants can assist you in the development and implementation of risk assessments. We will guide you through the process, allowing you to identify and control significant risks within the work place.

Find out about our Risk Assessments service

Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments are essential to business, allowing employers, employees, and the general public to remain safe from harm.

We can guide you through the entire process so that you have a full understanding of the risk assessment process and assist you with completing and implementing the risk assessment.

What is a risk assessment?

A health and safety risk assessment is a process that identifies, analyzes, controls, and eliminates hazards that can cause injury or illness to the workforce and negatively impact the business.

A risk assessment helps you to understand any potential hazards before then outlining and undertaking reasonable steps to prevent harm.

Is a risk assessment a legal requirement?

Yes, a risk assessment is a legal requirement for every employer and self-employed person. The risk assessment must assess the risks not only to those you employ but also to anyone else who may be affected by your workplace activities.

Who should do a risk assessment?

The employer (or self-employed person) is responsible for carrying out the risk assessment at work or appointing someone with the relevant knowledge, experience, and skills to do so. This person is known as the competent person.

This is where we can help. We can guide you through the full process so that you have a full understanding of the risk assessment process, as well as assist you with the completion of and implementation of the documentation.

How to do a risk assessment

A risk assessment must be completed by a business owner or by a nominated competent person.

According to the HSE, a risk assessment involves five key steps.

  • Identifying hazards
    Identifying a hazard is the first step in completing a risk assessment. A business must evaluate its workplace and highlight all potential hazards, including obvious hazards such as chemicals and substances, the use of the equipment and unsafe work practices. Less obvious hazards can include maintenance, cleaning, or changes in production cycles. It is also best practice to evaluate your accident and ill health records to identify risks, such as manual handling and work-related stress.
  • Assessing the risks
    Once hazards have been identified by the competent person, they must decide how likely it is that someone could be harmed and how serious it could be, including who might be harmed and how, what you're already doing to control the risks and any further action that might need to be taken. All risks must be recorded with a clear date by which this action needs to be completed.
  • Controlling the risks
    A business is not expected to eliminate all risks, but you need to do everything 'reasonably practicable' to protect people from harm. Evaluate the current controls in your workplace and continually question whether the risk can be removed and if not, how they can be controlled. Further controls may include redesigning a job, providing PPE, or replacing materials.
  • Recording findings
    If you employ five or more people, you must record your significant findings.
    We can offer support recording detailed written risk assessments for your business.
  • Reviewing the controls
    You must review the controls you have implemented to ensure they are working. You should also review them if they are no longer effective or if there are any changes within the workplace.

What happens after a risk assessment

It is essential that businesses keep on top of their risk assessments. Our advisors can act as your competent person under the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations, giving you that common sense support in all aspects of your business, when you need it.

We can provide cost-effective solutions for your business by becoming a member of your team. An advisor will guide you through your health and safety risks, and we can offer compliance, training and HR services to support your business and mitigate risk. Allowing you peace of mind that your business is compliant and safe.

How to contact

To find out more information or discuss your health and safety needs, talk to our health and safety Team by calling 01427 420 402 or emailing and #oneoftheteam will be happy to help.

"Having a single point of contact is extremely important. Previous companies would provide conflicting advice as so many different people were involved."
Scott Care Ltd
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