Working At Height Courses
Working at HeightIPAF/MEWP Operators
01427 678 660

Keeping Your Team Safe On The Road

With a steadfast commitment to a risk management- centred approach, Safedrive, our sister company, strives to mitigate occupational driving accidents and associated losses, including those impacting lives, livelihoods, profits, and reputations.

For over two decades, Safedrive has been at the forefront of Fleet Risk Management, partnering with our clients as #oneoftheteam to ensure drivers are correctly licensed, profiled, trained, and equipped. 

The comprehensive service including nationwide coverage, delivered by a dedicated team of Fleet ADI* Assessors and supported by experienced professionals advocating for work-related road safety. From assessing diverse vehicle types to providing tailored training courses for drivers across all sectors, Safedrive is your reliable partner in enhancing safety and reducing fleet costs.

*Advanced Driving Instructors

Services include:

  • Consultation on your fleet policy, Duty of Care obligations advice, an online driver audit and Fleet Risk Calculator
  • A simplified Driving Licence checking process for employees
  • Fleet Vehicle Management - register, check and manage company-owned, leased fleet vehicles or private vehicles being used for company business (Grey Fleet vehicles) 
  • Driver Education - personalised Driver Coaching that identifies drivers’ weaknesses and offers ongoing learning, At the Wheel awareness training (including fuel efficiency), and classroom-based bitesize Behaviour Workshops
  • Vehicle Technology, including in-vehicle camera recording systems (either hard-wired or plug-in) and the latest in driver behaviour focused telematics

For further information on Fleet Risk Management, contact or
call 01427 420 404

Safedrive is a trading name of Advisory Insurance Brokers Limited. Registered in England No. 4043759. Registered address: 2 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7PD.


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