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Occupational Health Assessments

Recent figures released by the Health and Safety Executive show 1.8 million workers are suffering from new or long standing work-related ill health, with 30.8 million working days being lost to work-related ill health each year.

Find out about our Occupational Health Assessments service

Occupational Health Assessments

Recent figures released by the Health and Safety Executive show 1.8 million workers are suffering from new or long standing work-related ill health, with 30.8 million working days being lost to work-related ill health each year.

Occupational Health Assessments help identify ill-health effects early and highlights areas where better controls might be needed in your workplace.

Our robust occupational health programs are available for all business types and cover all types of requirement. We will always work alongside your business to tailor the approach to your and your employee's needs, offering both general health assessments and bespoke strategies.

What type of assessment is best?

We recommend to any business that has yet to undertake a formal occupational health programme that they start with a holistic approach to assessments in the first instance. A full approach to occupational health screening looks at all areas that could present a cause for concern, giving an overview of each employee's health and establishing a baseline of data.

Occupational Health Assessments are built to be bespoke to individual businesses. It is best to talk through your needs with a qualified consultant.

What does a full assessment appointment consist of?

When we carry out a full assessment, also known as a ‘safety criticial medical assessment’ when including elements that are required for a forklift truck driver for example, the occupational health technician will complete the following: A full occupational health screening consists of the following;

  • A General Health Assessment
  • Audiometry Test
  • Vision Screening
  • HAVS Tier 2 Assessment
  • Musculoskeletal Assessment
  • Skin Test
  • Spirometry (lung function tests)

There are also bespoke assessments that can be carried out, tailored to specific industries, including;

  • Display Screen Equipment (Workstation Assessments) / Repetitive Tasks / Ergonomic Assessments
  • Forklift Truck Driver Medical
  • High Risk Assessments – such as Permit to Work Screening and assessment specific to construction, engineering and agricultural industries
  • Emotional Health and Wellbeing Assessments – to assist employers with supporting their employees who may have been absent either short or long term due where mental health is the main factor.

Are Occupational Health Assessments mandatory?

In many cases, yes it is, particularly where a work process has the potential to impact your employees health. But it can also be a low-cost, low-impact way of not only identifying early where both physical and mental health risks may present themselves but also mitigating the risk to your employees bringing liability insurance claims against you.

It is also important, and mandatory, to ensure your workplace and employees are safe by combining regular sampling and exposure monitoring assessments with action plans for reducing exposure to elements such as noise, dust, fume and vibration.

What does it entail for the employer?

For the employer, the first step is arranging a dedicated day or days for the assessment. We also recommend arranging a quiet, private room for the occupational health technician to complete all appointments.

After completion, the employer will receive a summary report highlighting any concerns raised and identifying the recommended frequency for re-screening. The occupational health technician will assess current control measures and look at additional pathways to support employees' access to the help they need in their own time.

What does it entail for the employee?

Employees will be offered a 1 to 1 meeting with an occupational health technician. This meeting will be a confidential space where employees can discuss the impacts of the role on their health and concerns.

Everyone is different and will have other extra-curricular activities (some of which may impact areas of health), pre-existing medical conditions, and employment history. The appointment can take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour or more.

Do Occupational Health Assessments include mental health?

Yes. Work-related stress, anxiety or other symptoms impacting an individual's wellbeing can be a concern for employers and employees.

Working closely alongside the Stallard Kane HR and Training teams, we can support with the following:

  • Absence management including:
  • Return to work assessments
  • Capability to work assessments
  • Long and short term sickness management
  • Reasonable adjustments
  • Wellbeing support, resilience and mindfulness
  • Supporting equality and diversity in the workplace
  • Employment policies and procedures

What else would you recommend employers look at alongside Occupational Health Assessments?

Occupational health assessment goes hand in hand with workplace exposure monitoring, which is the formal process of assessing and sampling things like noise exposure, air quality and vibration levels to make the workplace safer. These compliance measures, alongside relevant training within the workplace for face fit testing, first aiders, wellbeing champions and mental health first aid, can provide a real boost to wellness and health within a workforce.

How do I book or find out more information?

To find out more information or to get a no obligation quote, call our Compliance Team on 01427 420 404 or email

"Stallard Kane is a company that takes everything into consideration and treats their clients in a very bespoke and professional manner. They take time to evaluate your school and its specific setting and tailor their advice to fit, making you feel like they know your school and its stakeholders, so enabling all parties to maximise the potential of complete safety for everyone."
Sandal Magna Community Academy
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