Essential Winter Safety Tips for Your Workplace
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Implementing a robust Health & Safety Management System benefits any business. It provides a structured approach to identifying and mitigating risks, fosters a culture of safety, and enhances the overall productivity of the business and team.
A Health & Safety management system is the proven method of reducing risk, maintaining a culture of safety, and improving productivity. It demonstrates that a company has considered how they will identify, manage, and control health and safety risks.
Managing Health & Safety doesn’t have to be complicated, costly or time-consuming. In fact, taking a systematic approach can make it easier to manage your business effectively, as you establish the best way to handle each key activity and ensure that the same approach is used every time.
Failure to take responsibility for Health & Safety within your company could lead to serious consequences; not only do you risk large financial penalties but, more importantly, you risk the safety of your workers. Additional consequences including reputational damage, weakened financial performance and poor staff retention.
Regardless of your company size or type, the best Health & Safety management systems apply a common-sense approach based on a thorough understanding of the specific hazards and risks the company faces, as part of day-to-day operations.
This requires strong leadership and management, including the development of appropriate business processes and emergency procedures.
The attitude and behaviours of both management and workers must show a strong commitment to a safer work environment, or the system will not produce the desired outcomes. The fact that your company is placing a stronger focus on Health & Safety management, helps to generate awareness of the importance of safety in the workplace throughout your company. In turn, workers will make safety a primary focus as they go about their daily activities.
People want to work for companies that value their employees. Implementing a health and safety management system demonstrates your company cares about the well-being of its workers, which can help you attract more quality candidates. Similarly, when workers know their employer is concerned about their health and safety, they feel better about coming to work every day and are more likely to approach their jobs with a positive attitude. High morale tends to improve job satisfaction, which can result in lower employee turnover.
Financial institutions may be more willing to loan money to a company with a successful Health & Safety management system in place, as it demonstrates that your company is well-managed and committed to minimising risk. You could also increase your chances of attracting new business partners or investors.
All your employees will have a clear understanding on how to handle key activities, whether that is reporting an incident, responding to an issue, or working through a problem. When every worker is clear about the precise procedures to follow and everyone uses the same approach every time, your company's Health & Safety performance will improve.
Each time an accident or incident occurs, your business will be impacted and face several consequences, including:
Businesses are far less likely to trust companies that don’t show clear commitment to their employees’ health and safety.
Insurers will offer lower premiums if you can demonstrate that you are effectively controlling risks to workers on your premises.
Regulations are ever-evolving and the punishments for noncompliance can be severe. If you have no Health & Safety Management system in place, then the chances of unwittingly committing an offence are quite high. A Safety Management system will help all your staff stay aware of current legal requirements, ensuring regulatory compliance and lowering the risk of you having to pay a fine.
When employees feel safe at work it will feed through to many areas such as productivity, efficiency and retention rates. If employees see that you are actively looking after their health and safety, relations and confidence will improve. This will lead to a more productive, more efficient workforce.
Corporate social responsibility isn’t just about meeting company expectations and complying with laws and regulations, but about ethical behaviours such as paying attention to worker health. Treating workers with decency and respect is a huge part of building brand appeal.
If you need help on any health and safety matter, contact our team by calling 01427 420 402 or email and one of the team will be happy to help.
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